Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Be in the Moment!!

Be in the Moment

With the many distractions of everyday life sometimes it’s difficult trying to stay in the moment.  Sometimes, and more frequently than I would like, my mind wanders off.  And when this happens I’ll feel disconnected from the present.  Knowing that this obviously isn’t a good way to live, I’m always trying to re-focus my mind. (harder at times then others)

Have you noticed that when you’re away from home, perhaps on vacation or travelling for work purposes, the eyes and mind are more tuned into your environment?  You tend to notice more details in general, and the imagination gets revved-up.   I think that when you live in the moment, life can be more fun and interesting. With being away this last week in Cali, I was busy being in the moment enjoying each and every precious moment with my family...but on the plane ride home I really started to realize how much I missed being me and doing all the things I, working out and the business of life seemed to be getting in the way of just sitting back and being in that moment.  I realized on that flight home I need to get back to what brings me to a state of peace and reflecting and that is in my art room, creating.  If I could create for a living that would be wonderful.

Being in the moment anywhere from eating to reading or maybe taking a walk will help bring you back to what it means to be in that space right here right now.  SO take just a moment and breathe, reflect and embrace all that is around you.