Thursday, November 12, 2009

Food combinations that are hurting your weight loss!!!!!

Here are 5 potent meal combination's that may be hurting your weight loss efforts

1. Fat and Sugar – Eating fat and sugar in the same meal is a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately a lot of tasty food such as desserts, sweetened drinks and chocolates come in this combination.

Sugar in a meal will spike a hormone called insulin. This is not necessarily a bad thing as insulin is released whenever you eat a meal. In a non sugary meal, the amount of nutrients sent into the cells are well tapered due to a limited amount of insulin released. This results in a slow and steady infusion of sugar, fat and protein into cells. An insulin spike will force the nutrients into cells at a very much faster rate. Cells are not able to use all these excess nutrients. The excess sugar is converted to fat and stored in fat cells. Fatty food is stored directly into fat cells. Some amount of protein can also be converted to fat and stored in fat cells.

2. Fat and Alcohol – Fat and alcohol is another potent fat storage combination. Unfortunately, a lot of alcohol consumption usually goes hand in hand with eating lots of fatty and greasy food.

Alcohol when consumed, will almost completely halt fat metabolism. It will also increase appetite. This has been well documented in studies and further information on this can be obtained from an earlier article entitled Effects of Alcohol on Weight Loss.

Alcohol is like rocket fuel. It takes precedence over fat as the body’s fuel of choice. Any fat that is consumed with alcohol will be stored away in fat cells of your thighs or belly. This will continue to happen until all the alcohol in your body has been metabolized.

3. Alcohol and Sugar – Alcohol and sugar is another very potent yet common beverage combination. A lot of people consume alcohol with sweetened beverages. A lot of cocktails have considerable amounts of sugar.

As mentioned earlier, alcohol takes precedence over fat and sugar as the fuel of choice in the body. Sweetened alcohol beverages contain lots of calories. In the presence of alcohol, the body has no need for the calories form sugar. The sugar is thus converted to fat and stored in fat cells in your thighs or tummy.

4. Fat, Sugar and Alcohol -Sugar, fat and alcohol would be the most potent fat storage concoction that you can find. Alcohol will halt fat metabolism and take precedence as the fuel of choice in the body. Any fat that you consume will be stored directly in your fat cells. Sugar will be converted into fat and stored in fat cells.

The calories from this combination can easily pile up

5. Fat and Sugar Just Before You Sleep
-Off course sleep cannot be categorized as a meal but it is related to the topic discussed. A lot of people have the tendency to consume desserts after dinner. The insulin spike from the sugar causes excess calories to be stored in fat cell. This combination becomes more potent when one sleeps. This is because a person’s metabolic rate slows down quite a bit when sleeping. When awake, at least the body burns some of the excess calories. Unfortunately, this does not happen so much at night.

Fat, Sugar and Alcohol Just Before You Sleep

Most of the alcohol binging occurs at night and it all ends with one dropping in bed to sleep. This is the worst possible combination and the most potent for storing fat. As discussed earlier, the slower metabolic rate when sleeping does not help to burn excess calories that otherwise could have been burnt if the person was awake and carrying out day to day activities.

There you have it. The worst possible combination's that will work against your weight loss goals.

Steps You Can Take to Reduce Fat Storage if You Have to Consume These Food

Fat is a very important nutrient and I would not advocate a low fat diet. Instead, you would be advised to be careful not to take fatty and very sweet foods together. Have a dessert earlier in the day, if you really must have it. Have a meal richer in protein if you are going to drink considerable amounts of alcohol. Avoid cocktails and sweetened alcoholic beverages.

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