Monday, May 24, 2010

Journal your journey and goals!!!

Do you ever feel lost or that you're not moving forward in your fitness progress? Are you confused about where you've been and where you want to go? Did you fall off track and don't know where or how it happened? Do you want to get back on track but aren't sure where to pick back up? Are you cheating on your clean eating and not holding yourself responsible for the 2 pounds you gained in the past couple weeks?

I have a tip that may be the answer to all these questions if you apply it diligently, effectively, and honestly.....journaling!! Journaling can be used to record your feelings, how much weight you're lifting, your workout schedule, inspirational quotes, your eating schedule, your cheat meals, and anything else that either hinders you or propels you toward achieving the fitness and health goals of your dreams!

YOU, and ONLY YOU, are responsible for getting yourself where you want to be, and one of the best ways to hold yourself responsible is by recording all of the tiny details of your journey!

I want to share one of my favorite ways to use journaling....feel free to steal this! In fact, I encourage it! We all get tempted and have the urge to cave in to our cravings with the repercussions of feeling defeated and weak. I try and combat the cravings that lead to this feeling with journaling. Whenever I get the urge, I go to my journal and start giving myself a pep talk. Frantically, I start writing things like:

"You don't need it!"

"Prove you can do this, because you totally can!"

"Set a good example for those you care about!"

"You deserve to reach your goals and you're SO capable!!"

"Think about how you'll feel when you're done? Is it really worth it?"

"Look how well you're doing and how far you've come!!"
By the time I'm done writing down everything I can think of to fight the desire to sabotage my hard-earned progress, I've lost the urge to give in and I've renewed my motivation to keep pushing forward! I feel proud, strong, and energized!

So feel free to use journaling this same way, but also think about all the other ways you could use journaling. Write down your fitness program...record your weight and reps so you know where you were and how much to strive to do next time. Write down how you feel after cardio every day and whether you were able to go longer or harder than last time. Write down everything you're eating everyday. I find that when I'm writing everything I'm eating down, I cheat less because I really don't want to have to write "Ate 1 piece of chocolate cake" in my food journal for the day!

Write down all the comments, compliments, tips, and advice you get from other people to help keep you motivated. Post pictures from your fave fitness magazine in your journal to look at when you need an extra push to get your workout in.

Now...there are times when we all give in to temptation (I'm more than human and have done it, too), but there's absolutely no such thing as failure or defeat...even though it may feel like it. Journaling can help you record your feelings and circumstances so that you can learn how to best deal with certain situations for the future. It can also help you get back on track and figure out where things went wrong so you can improve your situation.

See, there are endless possibilities for journaling! Just find what's going to work best for you so you can reach your goals! I'd love for you to share with me any ideas, tips, and advice you've thought of for journaling to help your fellow readers, so please leave a comment!!

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