Sunday, October 4, 2009

Your Body is your Home!!!

I found this comparison and analogy.....your body=your home.

"Your bones are the two-by-fours that support and protect the inner structure of your home; your eyes are the windows; your lungs are the ventilation ducts; your brain is the fuse box; your intestines are the plumbing system; your mouth is the food processor; your heart is the water main; your hair is the lawn (some of us have more grass than others); and your fat is all the unnecessary junk you've stored in the attic that your spouse has been nagging you to get rid of."

You can learn a lot about how your body works if you just think about how your house does!

"Take the same approach in taking care of your body as you would your home. You don't call the plumber if you have a little backup in your pipes. You try a plunger, life the back off the toilet and fiddle with the floating ball, and try to remedy the problem yourself. You don't call the exterminator when you spot a fly in the kitchen. You don't call the electrician if a lightbulb burns out."

Learn about how your body works and you can do the things that maintain it....and stay away from the things that deteriorate it. :-)

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