Friday, October 16, 2009

Your Results are 80% of what you eat!!!!!!

Wouldn't you just LOVE to have a set of abs like this woman!?!? I have been getting A LOT of questions regarding eating lately! I have also been receiving a lot of concern about working out and eating right, but not seeing results. The thing is, if you have been sticking to your workout program and THINK you've been eating right, but have not been seeing're STILL not eating right and you may not be eating enough (I know that doesn't sound right and I know this is disheartening). It's not your fault! Companies and packaging make you think you're eating something that's good for you, but it's not! Guess what? Good news! I am going to help you by telling you exactly what you should be consuming! :-) Eating is 80% of your results...and getting a set of abs like the ones up above! I know this is a high number and most people consider exercise to be the most important component, but it's not! EAT CLEAN! The biggest concepts of eating clean are portion size, frequency of eating, and combination of foods you're eating.

The portion size of complex starchy carbs (sweet potatos, brown rice, whole grains, oatmeal, etc.) should be the size of what can fit in one cupped palm. The portion size of complex carbs coming from veggies and fruit should be the size of two cupped hands together. And then the portion size of your lean protein (chicken breast, turkey breast, white fish, salmon, egg whites, fat free cottage cheese, non-fat plain yogurt, etc.) should be about 4 oz., or the size of your palm (this is for meat and fish). For yogurt and cottage cheese....the equivalent of about 100 calories. And for eggs...6 egg whites.

You should be eating every 2-3 hours and 5-6 times a day, and the sixth is only if you're really hungry before you go to bed. You should really stop eating about 3 hours before you're planning on hitting the sack...your body will focus on burning fat instead of digesting.

And packing a little stash of clean foods to take with you for the day is kind of a must, but it doesn't have to be a hassle...nuts, piece of fruit, or a protein bar for example. Whenever I have to go work, I take an all natural dried fruit bar and a small baggie of almonds. It's always something that will give me energy and keep me full until my next meal

At every "meal" sitting you should be consuming a complex carb paired with a protein! There is wonderful science about how these foods work together! The carbs give you energy for the day, but carbs are primarily glucose, and when paired with protein, the glucose doesn't transfer into fat quickly like it would without the protein. And the combination of carbs and protein together result in keeping you satisfied for longer. You'll notice if you're doing it right, your tummy will start feeling a little hungry 2-3 hours later....magically when you're suppose to eat your next meal! Crazy how that works!

And here's the break down of how many servings of carbs and protein you should be getting in everyday: 2-4 servings of complex starchy carbs (I recommend sticking to 1-2 for optimal results), 4-6 servings of complex carbs from fruits and veggies (this is where most of your carbs should be coming from), and 5-6 servings of protein. And don't forget about healthy fats that come from nuts, oil, seeds, fish, and avocado. About 15% of your diet should include these, or about 25% of your daily calories. Healthy fat is hidden in protein as well, so when you're eating a piece of fish, that counts as both a serving of fat and a serving of protein.

WATER! Water is so important. Water flushes out your system, makes your organs work effectively and efficiently, helps you lose weight, and aids in digestion. Before you put anything else in your body for the day, I recommend drinking 16 oz. of water. Your body has been sitting for at least 8 hours and needs to be hydrated to effectively digest your breakfast and get your body going in the morning! Then drink a 1/2 liter with every meal. You need at least 64 oz. of water a day, but it's better to calculate half your body weight in oz. of water. Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water!

Things to avoid (sorry, I had to bring it up!)? Soda, coffee (if you can't live without it, I know I can't drink one cup in the morning black or with skim milk...NOOO sugar), alcohol (leave out any of the hard stuff, beer, and mixed drinks....and have an OCCASSIONAL glass of dry red or white wine), SUGAR, high levels of sodium, fruit juices (any!), and anything made with white flour. I know a lot of these things are sometimes tempting and/or hard to live without, but I promise you won't miss them once you start eating clean...and they won't taste as good as you once thought they did. For something sweet, you'll crave a piece of fruit instead! And instead of those morning waffles and pancakes or sugary cereals, you'll begin to enjoy a bowl of oatmeal!

When shopping at the grocery store, be skeptical about everything in the center aisles! Start shopping the perimeter first, and when you're done with that you probably won't have room or money left to shop the inside sections, but if you do, read your labels! If you're not sure of something, don't buy it! And if the product's first ingredient isn't what the product should be primarily made of, don't buy it! If the list of ingredients is longer than the book you're currently reading, don't buy it! ALWAYS watch your sodium intake as well when looking at your food labels.

One other thing I recommend getting into your daily diet...flaxseed! This stuff has amazing benefits! Buy it whole and grind it up in your old coffee grinder you won't be using anymore :-) and sprinkle a tbsp on your oatmeal in the morning (do this with wheat germ as well)...or blend it up in a smoothie.

A great read for more about eating clean is "The Eat Clean Diet".

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